
Klovnille on ominaista lapsenomainen ja totuudellinen ajattelutapa, joka saattaa joskus ilmetä yllättävänä toimintana.  Seuraavassa  voit lukea englanniksi mieleeni tulleen käsikirjoituksen mies- ja naisklovnille.  Olen tarkoituksellisesti jättänyt kirjoittamatta, minkälaisia ongelmia estradilla synnytetään, jotta voit antaa mielikuvituksesi laukata vapaasti.  Klovnillehan on myös tyypillistä omituisiin ongelmatilanteisiin joutuminen ja niistä muutaman epäonnistuneen yrityskerran jälkeen nokkelasti selviäminen. Myös vertauskuvallisuus toimii estradilla usein hyvin. Tärkeää on myös muistaa klovnin ikuisesti optimistinen elämänasenne.



Male : ”What´s the problem ?”

Female : “There is no problem ?”

Male : “That´s a very big problem.  What shall we do ?  (looking at the audience) I know.  We´ll make a problem. (He creates a problem –use your imagination) Well ! Now we have a problem – are you satisfied ?”

Female : “No.” (looking at the audience)

Male :” Well. (looking at the audience) Look at all those people – no one of them hasn´t got any problem.  But we have this one – isn´t it great ?”

Female : (looking at the audience) “Yes ! We haven´t got any children, but we have this lovely little problem. ”

Male :  “So what shall we do ?”

Female  : “Let´s keep it.  I really love problems. I´m a woman – you see.”

Male : “Dear, I could solve it for you.  I´m a very clever man – you see. (He  does something stupid - again)”

Female : “ No, it´s my problem.  Please take a picture : me and my problem.”

Male : “ Excuse me, it´s our problem.”

Female : “ No, you gave it to me.  I want to tell about it to all of my friends. It´ll be fun . Two hours of discussing about this wonderful problem.”

Male : “I could solve it in a second. I´m a man. “

Female :  “ I don´t want you to do it.  Rebember that I´m the woman in this house.”

Male : “Sorry. I forgot it.”

Female : “ Good. You start to learn something. And remember that I love problems.  Could you bring me some more.”

Male : “ Anytime , my darling. (He makes his third mistake)”

Female : “I love you, sweetheart”

(They walk away happily with their tree lovely problems)

Written and directed by Pelle Gudsson ( If You are going to put this little sketch on the stage please write a short message to the comments on this webblog  with Your Name and e-mail  and Your website)